Saturday, 30 August 2008

Alan Partridge

Hello, hello...

So the hours are running out before departure.... and firstly I would like to say thank you so much to everyone.

I am close now really close to making the donation targets I had hoped to meet.

My leaving party is tomorrow at the Ace Cafe and I have a stack of cards to hand out about the trip and some tins to rattle at people to get some last pennies for the charities.

If you can come down that would be great! If not well maybe you can come to India.... I have been offered a job in Mumbai so it looks like I maybe there for a least a year.

On a completely different matter I had my first 5 mins of fame this week... well it wasn't the first and I hope not the last but it was small fame with a very little f.

I was interviewed for the widely listened to Radio Norfolk Breakfast Show... Hurrah! It wasn't Alan Partridge that would have been amazing and surely been big time fame.

Anyway all very exciting, but not really had time to think about it as I have so many bits and bobs still to get like maps... might come in handy.

Looks like my actually leaving day, which was to be the Wednesday is now going to be the Thursday so if your desperate to catch me, restrain me or lock me in padded cell, please do it before then...

But what would be even better is to come tomorrow to the Ace Cafe... I will be there from about 4pm, there will be beer, cars, bikes, girls and blokes and probably some leather so something for all the family...

Hope to see you then Adam....

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